BDPA Foundation

Saturday, January 31, 2015

UCCA Ambassador Newsletter, 1/31/2015 (Carol Bell)

Carol Bell
Bootstrap Computer Gaming Algorithm Class.  Bootstrap Computer Gaming Algorithm and Career Enrichment Program is a pilot program developed for 7th grade students through BDPA Huntsville chapter (president, Carol Bell). The Bootstrap Computer Gaming and Algorithm Career Enrichment Program is designed to teach students how to develop a video game that can be played on their mobile devices.

BDPA is an international organization with a diverse membership of professionals and students at all levels in the fields of information technology, computer science and related Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

This front-page article appeared in the Jan 2015 issue of the Union Chapel Christian Academy newsletter.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 1/28/2014 (Jessica Waddell)

Jessica Waddell
BDPA Cincinnati Announces New Leadership - Jessica Waddell - BDPA Cincinnati chapter, a nonprofit organization made up of racially diverse information technology professionals, announced a new member of its executive team. Jessica Waddell was named the Vice President of Finance. Jessica is a financial analyst at GE Aviation. She handles financial planning, cash forecasting, billing and project management in her current position. She has been working for almost nine years at GE Aviation, one of the largest corporations in Cincinnati. Jessica was vice president of the National Black MBA Association chapter on the campus of Ohio State University, where she earned her degree in Finance.

Read the rest of this article.

Friday, January 9, 2015

My Fox Twin Cities, 1/9/2015 (Fred Blocton, Justin Wulf)

My Fox Twin Cities - BDPA Twin Cities is celebrating 25 years of education at its 10th annual awards ceremony. Students learn new technology and compete with other students all over the country.


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