BDPA Foundation

Monday, September 19, 2005

Carolina Newswire, 9/19/2005 (Coretta Poole)

BDPA Triangle Chapter presents Dan Blue's Lessons in Excellence - Sept. 19. The Triangle Chapter of Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) will host its September meeting here on September 19, 2005 at First Flight Venture Center from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. BDPA Triangle Chapter members and guests participate in monthly program meetings to develop business and professional skills while connecting with business leaders and technology innovators. The featured guest speaker will be Dan Blue, managing partner of the Thigpen, Blue, Stephens & Fellers law firm in Raleigh, NC.

Read the full media story here.

Thursday, September 15, 2005, 9/15/2005 (John Eckenrode, Denise Holland)

BDPA Supports Corporate Sponsor Efforts for Katrina Evacuees. CPSI, Corporate Professional Services, Inc., announced the need to fill 125 direct hire job opportunities with a major Maryland Corporation. CPSI is giving special focus to eligible dislocated workers to help in their recovery in the wake of Hurricane Katrina...

Read the full media story here.