Digital Undivided Champions Diversity in Tech With FOCUS 100. Digital Undivided isn’t waiting for permission to change the current tech landscape, which is largely (and unapologetically) young, white and male. In fact,
Kathryn Finney, managing director at Digital Undivided, mobilized to flip the script, creating the
FOCUS 100 technology conference which brings together tech companies with black women founders/co-founders, angel and venture investors, leading corporations and those invested in the future of tech.
Sponsored by Google, the Global Hack allowed students, entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts alike to code their way to the grand prize, which included $500, Nexus 7 tablets and Rasberry Pi systems. Graduate students
Khalia Braswell,
Aqueasha Martin and
France Jackson, as well as
Wanda Eugene, PhD, won the hackathon with an app that allows users to identify healthier ingredients for recipes and places them on a leader board where they will be ranked by others who also have the app. The more points a recipe earns, the greater the reward.
Braswell sent out a celebratory message on
Twitter after the win: “
We won our first hackathon!!”
Read the entire Black Enterprises article.
NOTE: Khalia Braswell is a BDPA Charlotte chapter member.