BDPA Foundation

Friday, November 1, 2013

Rochester Today, 11/1/2013 (Betty Hutchins, Will Smith)

2013 National BDPA High School Computer Competition Champions
BDPA Southern Minnesota
They Have 'IT': BDPA Celebrates the Information Technology Industry - Founded in 1975, BDPA had one goal in mind: to get more minorities involved in the computer science and information technology fields. Nearly 40 years later, those fields have grown dramatically, and BDPA (now with 46 chapters) has followed suit.

On Sept. 8, BDPA Southern Minnesota chapter celebrated its continuing mission with its 14th annual Scholarship and Education Banquet, held at the Rochester Event Center. BDPA is open to everyone -- regardless of race or gender -- interested in the IT industry.
"We help develop many skills, such as working with a team, math and computer skills in addition to soft skills such as presenting yourself to adults and speaking in front of a group." says BDPA Southern Minnesota chapter president Will Smith.

An estimated 140 guests attended, according to Betty Hutchins, founder of the local chapter.
"It was a great celebration", Hutchins said, "Just a great night."
Read the full article along with 9-photo slideshow.
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