BDPA Foundation

Thursday, May 7, 2009

New York Times, 5/7/2009 (Larry Quinlan)

On the Agenda: Modernizing the Meeting. Similarly, at the accounting firm of Deloitte, which began adding high-definition videoconferencing equipment to its offices about a year ago, it’s no longer unusual for as many as 80 employees in 10 cities to meet without the expense of airfare or hotels. And according to Larry Quinlan, a principal at Deloitte, once employees and management overcome their initial resistance, they’re happy to forgo travel — perhaps indefinitely.

“In previous downturns, as soon as you got travel money in your budget again you’d get back on the planes because the videoconferencing experience wasn’t that good,” Mr. Quinlan said. But with better systems in place, he said, “you can now scheme to reduce travel on a permanent basis. The economic downturn merely provides management with the mandate to do it.”
Read the full article here.

[NOTE: Larry Quinlan is BETF board member.]

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