BDPA Foundation

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

DigitalPlumbers, 12/6/2005 (Danielle Templeton, Dwight Hugget)

The 20 Year Milestone for BDPA's High School Computer Competition (HSCC). The competition marked the 20th year that BDPA has trained High School Students in computer programming. The HSCC is an opportunity for teams of high school students from BDPA chapters across the nation to compete for scholarships. The competition is designed to introduce students in grades 9 through 12 to the field of Information Technology, encourage them to seek higher levels of education, and groom many of them to become our next generation of IT professionals. To achieve these ambitious goals the HSCC has evolved into a rigorous competition, comprising three distinct categories that include computer programming, oral questioning, and a written examination.

Read the rest of the DigitalPlumbers article here.

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