BDPA Foundation

Monday, March 14, 2011

Peirce Connections, 3/14/2011 (Richard Tillies)

Peirce Professor Named Director of Collegiate Engagement for BDPA Philadelphia Chapter. I am proud to share the news that our own Richard Tillies, Assistant Professor of Information Technology, has been appointed Director of Collegiate Engagement for the Philadelphia Chapter of Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA).

BDPA, formed in 1975 right here in Philly, is a nonprofit organization of professionals in the Computer Science and Information Technology (IT) fields and the premier national organization for Black IT Professionals.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Diversity/Careers Magazine, 3/1/2011 (Renetta English)

Renetta English is This Year's BDPA New York Chapter Prez. Members of the BDPA New York chapter have elected Renetta English to serve as 2011-2012 chapter president. English has been a member of BDPA since 2004 and served in several leadership roles. In 2008 she was the New York chapter's HR director. Last year she was the chapter's VP of membership management; chapter membership grew by thirty percent during her tenure.

English clearly believes that BDPA is a premier organization for IT pros. "We must all work together to participate in and promote the goals and mission of BDPA," she notes.

She has strong ideas about the future direction of BDPA New York in areas like membership, youth programs, finances, corporate sponsorships, political relationships, small business ownership, strategic partnerships and community.

Read the Diversity/Careers article here.

Diversity/Careers Magazine, 3/1/2011 (Wayne Hicks, Judaea Lane, Melodie Mayberry-Stewart)

L-R: BDPA New York Board of Directors (and a visitor)
New York CIO Keynotes BDPA Chapter Awards Dinner; Students Get Citations of Excellence. 'Don't Be Afraid of the STEM!' was the theme of BDPA New York's 2010 scholarship and awards dinner, held November 10 at the downtown Brooklyn location of National Grid, sponsor of the event. Founded in 1982, BDPA New York is currently the fifth largest chapter of National Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA). The annual awards dinner recognizes the achievements of BDPA New York students and honors its community supporters and corporate sponsors.

Read the rest of the Diversity/Careers article here.

Humanware, 3/1/2011 (Danielle Cauthen, Renetta English, Damon Holmes)

Diversity/Careers Magazine, 3/1/2011 (Wayne Hicks)

BDPA Career Fair
The Job Market is Improving for African Americans in ITWhen the economy started getting pummeled a few years ago, the IT job market also took some hits, but 2010 may turn out to be its comeback year, says Wayne Hicks, executive director of the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation (BETF).  BETF is a nonprofit charity founded in 1992 to support the education and technical programs of the Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) organization.
"The number of firms that purchased booths for the BDPA career fair in July 2010 is a clear indication that corporate America is looking to hire more IT professionals at all levels," says Hicks.

Read the full Diversity/Careers Magazine article.

NBC Washington, 3/1/2011 (BDPA Washington DC)

2010 BDPA NE Regional
BDPA Regional Cyber/STEM Conference Industry Day: Career Workshops | HSCC | It Showcase. BDPA's Regional Conference in the Washington, D.C. area is a venue for our annual Industry Day, Regional High School Computer Competition (HSCC), It Showcase (Itsc), and Advanced Program Briefing for Interns (APBi). Panelists address emerging IT and CS-Stem trends, small business and career opportunities, including requirements within technical sectors of various industries for general and professional audiences.

Read the full NBC Washington calendar offering here.