BDPA Foundation

Wednesday, June 29, 2011, 6/29/2011 (BDPA Baton Rouge)

BDPA HSCC Scholarship Fund. Future workers will have to be technology-savvy before entering the workforce. Yet, for many schools there is the digital divide. This divide is caused by the pre-existing socioeconomic divide in this country coupled with the cost of acquiring and maintain new technologies. In addressing the digital divide in schools grants such as the Technology Innovation Challenge Grants and Technology Literacy Challenge Grants were created and the government, private business and non-profit organizations made strides towards to ensure equal education. One of many organization in the Baton Rouge area that recognizes this is the BDPA Education and Technology Foundation. This group has been in existence since 1992 and has worked to provide community youth with educational programs to guide them down a path of success in a technology career.

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