BDPA Foundation

Monday, October 1, 2012

Diversity/Careers in Engineering and Information Technology, 10/1/2012 (Monique Berry)

BDPA Conference 'Transforms the IT Professional'. More than 500 professional BDPA members and 125 students gathered in Baltimore, MD in August for the 2012 National Black Data Processing Associates (BDPA) Technology Conference. This year's theme was "transforming the IT professional."
In today's world, "clouds are no longer associated with the weather and phones are truly smart," says BDPA president Monique Berry. "We, as IT professionals, must always remember…to use IT to engage and transform the world we live in.

"The reality of that can be daunting
," she notes. Attendees to the conferences got plenty of chances to learn about the latest technologies and, even more importantly, to "build and strengthen relationships, which are the cornerstone of an effective career and life," Berry says.
Read the rest of the Diversity/Careers magazine article.

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